Who is Jide Alade?

By Day…

Branding, advertising and marketing communication buff. Worships at the altar of differentiation, distinctive brand assets, brand codes, salience, and physical and mental availability.

By Night…

Writes. Now and then. Heard I make people laugh. Hopefully not because the writing is laughable.

Hobbyist photographer (photos in “Buy My Photos” page and on Instagram @iamjidealade).

Movie aficionado. Guy Ritchie is my guy. The Shawshank Redemption – best movie ever made. 

Loves to travel. Love cats. Wife hates cats. Loves monkeys. Wife hates monkeys. 

Like to cook. My yam porridge is the stuff of witchcraft. 

Adores Manchester United. Churchill won one war. Sir Alex won a treble. 

A creationist. God created the world in six literal days. Noah’s flood was a global flood. And yup, there’s no name in heaven or on earth by which man can be saved except through Jesus Christ.

Oh yeah, that’s me jumping out of a perfectly good plane for no good reason.  Dude wanted a picture with me so bad he would do anything for it. Including strapping himself to me. I have that effect on people.

Contact:  iamjidealade@gmail.com

IG: @iamjidealade