So, I went about some shutterbug business over the weekend. This photography hobby has taken over me like a fake aladura spirit. I’m smitten. I put on my camera backpack and went to Makoko.
I’ve seen several beautiful shots of this Ghetto-Venice. But I told myself my pictures have got to be one of the evocative shots of Makoko.
Strange how poverty enchants.
So off I went.
My pictures were distinctively average.
Yea, some friends and colleagues think the pictures were decent. They give me too much credit. They don’t want to hurt my feelings.
But with Makoko, the journey is as intriguing as the destination. Walking gingerly on those wooden stiles with the black and foreboding water beneath, the path through a brothel, hiring a boat and putting out to open waters was more rewarding than any picture I took. And I made the acquaintance of very interesting fellas, notably a ‘Captain Segun’ who’s only captained a canoe.
Anyways, my mediocrity below.
Funny how mediocrity boasts…

This homeboy came out of the water and be chilling on our boat like Aquaman.

You call it a lagoon. He calls it taking a shower.

You go to work on the Third Mainland Bridge. Some go to work under the Third Mainland Bridge.

Encapsulating. The perspective of a 12mm lens.

Underlord Of The Under Bridge.

Ever seen Third Mainland Bridge from under?
Interesting shoots……… the 3rd mainland bridge from under.